Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Sucks

So as far as I am concerned, Christmas is a big lie meant to guilt people into submission under the cloak of family and religion.

Fact is "Christmas" was stolen from the Pagans and is not even the birth date of Christ. The date is about Yule, another thing stolen from Pagans. The traditional Christmas to date is a slap in the face of the Man called Jesus and what he stood for.

You can't go to a "Christmas" gathering with out a gift for everyone, even if you can not afford it, with out be looked at as a Scrooge, looser, unthoughtful, taker, or something like that. Your own present of body, heart, and love is not welcome with out a gift.

If you call someone friend and do not get them a gift, oh my the mess that will cause. And do not give something hand made or hug.

No wonder there is so much depression under foot.

No, I am not pagan or christian, but I believe in what the man was trying to say and do.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Shunka Vet v2.0

So Shunka had his vet date and all is good. He's now 13 weeks and is 30 lbs. of puppy. One more puppy date and he's a "bg boy".

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Michigan State Police

I know it's been a while since I've posted. Been doing stuff, but I have to say something about the Michigan State Police...
They suck ass... They care more about abandoned cars on the road then they do about drunk drivers. Why do I say this? Well...
I'm a truck driver so I am on the roads A LOT. I see A LOT. More then A LOT I have called the Michigan State Police about a drunk driver, knowing it's a drunk, and most of all I get from them is the words..."we have no one in the area" or "how to you know they are drunk" or "maybe they are just tired".. How do I know? I have been taught most if not all the signs drunks show.
I have even gotten the... "there are no officers in that area..." when I JUST past one looking for speeders.
I am so pissed at the Michigan State Police for their "You drink, you drive, you loose" bull shit adds.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Shunka's First Party

So far Shunka has been to his first party, a slumber party of 7 girls. He also has had a play date with two Great Dane's, spent a long weekend with an American Bull Dog, has a friend that's a Black Lab, eats 3x a day, loves taking baths with "mom", and hates the car.

No wonder he's a little sleepy.

Shunka Warikin

baby development