Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Male contraceptive study expanded

Trials of a new male contraceptive are being expanded in the US after overwhelming initial interest.

The Intra Vas Device or IVD, inserted via a small hole made in the scrotum, is a tiny silicone plug that blocks the tube sperm travel along in the body.
No matter how evil it looks, great! It's about time the male ego of this society allowed this in the US. I mean there was also the "Male Pill" that was never allowed in the US because " wasn't up to the man...". And there are a lot of men that would use this, given studies done to show its safety, whether or not they would admit to you or not.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

'Monster' fossil find in Arctic

Norwegian scientists have discovered a "treasure trove" of fossils belonging to giant sea reptiles that roamed the seas at the time of the dinosaurs.

This is really cool. The first complete skeleton of an pliosaur! Well, really, from what I understand there is not only one but many.

The 150-million-year-old fossils were uncovered on the Arctic island chain of Svalbard - about halfway between the Norwegian mainland and the North Pole.

You really need to read the whole story, it's cool. They seem to have been caught in the middle of a hunt with ichthyosaurs.

The ichthyosaursare dolphin type animal that was a usually on the dinner many of the pliosaur. Of course, there was a lot on the dinner plate of the pliosaur.

I am anticipating the outcome of the complete skeletons.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Amish shooting in Pennsylvania

So Charles Carl Roberts IV thought that because he "molested" two of his young relatives when he was 12 years old, and he and his wife lost a baby, that he had the right to strike out to "God". Let's not forget that he also had dreams that he had said made him want to molest again. So this freak choose to go to an Amish school, take only young female hostages, trap them all in a room, and had plans with the KY Jelly that the cops said they found in his things, spend some time with them before killing all 10 of them. All in the name of "I'm pissed at God" and "I need to stop myself from molesting". Thank Spirit that the cops got there before he could do all of this. Of course five ended up dieing with shoots to the head before the could stop him. And unfortunately he was able to shoot himself and die.

I can not describe the pain I feel not only for the Amish community, but also and mainly for the children that were in that room with this darkness. I am only thankful he wasn't able to take his plan and fallow it through.

I pray for the souls of the ones that died that they have peace - Naomi Rose Ebersole, 7; Anna Mae Stolzfus, 12; Maria Fisher, 13; Mary Liz Miller, 8, and her 7-year-old sister, Leena

Now the Amish community has went to this freaks wife's aid. They are supporting her in her time of pain and grief as well as their own. What strength the Amish have.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Detainee Bill

This is really good. The Detainee Bill a big pile of bull shit! It gives Bush to much, way to much.

The bill gives the president the power to "interpret the meaning and application of the Geneva Conventions," a phrase that may clash with another part of the bill, which says, "Nothing in this section shall affect the constitutional functions and responsibilities of Congress and the judicial branch."

Now, can this idiot interprets anything without daddy or Chaney? Leaving anything up this freak is a "mess and sloder" waiting to happen.

So not anyone can be pulled in and tried under this and have no hope to a real court? So now this is all up to the wonderful minds of the military and BushCo? Man, I feel as safe as a frog on I-94.

Hearsay evidence is generally OK in these trials. A judge has to rule that the evidence is reliable and relevant to the case.

Great!@ So now all BushCo and their people have to do is say... "well, I know he/she did this" ...and it's ok because the Bush said it. It's reliable, the "President" said so. I think I just shit my paints a little.

Defendants can't be convicted on the basis of evidence they haven't seen. If classified documents are necessary to prove the defendant's guilt or innocence, the judge will give the defendant summaries or edited versions of the documents.

Is it just me or is there something really wrong with the above statement? How many of us really did graduate kindergarten? I mean really....come on...summaries and edited versions?!@ How about real facts?! My Gods this is shitty for us as Americans and for the world to allow!

The tribunals won't admit evidence obtained through torture. Evidence obtained through coercive interrogation tactics that the Bush administration doesn't consider torture (such as "waterboarding," where a detainee is made to believe he's drowning, or "stress positions," where a detainee is made to sit or stand in a painful position for extended periods of time) may be used under some circumstances.

So nothing really has changed, just different language. I see, "Under some circumstances", means that every time if they see fit and talk the talk right.

According to the bill, detainees held by the United States at any overseas location cannot file a lawsuit challenging their detention. This wipes out both pending and future lawsuits. The bill also says no one can file a lawsuit claiming a violation of their rights under the Geneva Conventions.

Nice one here isn't it. As always, the US can fuck up everything and never be help liable in any way shape or form.

Shunka Warikin

baby development