Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Detroit Schools may strike

So I hear a lot of people getting mad at the teachers for their "may strike" attitude. Well, I say go for it! People that get mad about it and talk junk about teachers that would strike can't see inside the box.

Teachers carried signs bearing words such as "Stop Wasting the Money" and "Hands Off My Benefits," saying they refuse to go back to work until they see a contract that keeps their pay intact. The union has asked for a 3-year contract that would give teachers a 5% pay raise each year.

Why is it that our society is willing to allow our government "officials" to be paid a bit load, yet the people that WANT to teach OUR children get paid so vary little.

Michigan law prohibits strikes by public employees, and teachers can be fined a day's pay for each day of the strike. But the union struck without being fined seven years ago, learning that the process to fine strikers is too cumbersome when 10,000 workers are involved.

Most all teachers strike not because of money in their pocket, but money in the system, over crowded class rooms, and poorly planed forced administration curriculum. Teachers not only get poor pay, but with little to no money for supply's in the system, teachers also have to spend their own money for supply's if they want to be able to teach in a good way. Why?

"Education is the only thing we've got that you can't take away," Woodard said. "It's a shame they will not pay our educators."

We as the people pay a lot of money in taxes to the school system and for what? Where does all of our money go when it's supposed to be in a pot for schools? Isn't it called a schools tax?

Monday was supposed to be Detroit teachers' first day back at work, giving them a week to prepare for classes, but they voted Sunday to strike until a contract agreement is reached. They complained that the district wants them to take a mix of cuts in pay and benefits to make up $88 million of a projected $105-million budget deficit.

Most of our teachers are interested in teaching right and in a good way for the children;

  • Smaller class rooms: individual attention for the children
  • More money "In The System" for supply's
  • Funds for events out of the school (aka field trips)
  • A better more open curriculum

Anyway, I say go for it. And parents should get more involved with what the schools are doing with OUR school taxes, as well as understand that a striking teacher is more for the children then themselves!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Marine Tribute Bike

I was looking at one of the magazines I get and saw this bike and the mans story. As most every one know, I don't get moved easily but this did (and yes I'm into bikes). So I thought I would post this. The photo's online doesn't even begin to do it justice at all.

It's a real nice bike with a really nice heart about it. Click on the photo to see more and read a little of this mans story about the bike, and his son.

Corporal Joseph S. Temblay

Joseph was born on November 13, 1981 in Ridgewood, NJ to Lawrence Tremblay, Sr. and Tina Marie Remo. He graduated in 1999 from the Newburgh Free Academy and also attended Orange County Community College.

Joseph joined the Marines just after graduation from the Academy in 1999 and completed a four-year tour. He remained in the Marines Reserves and signed up for active duty when the call went out for volunteers. During his tour of duty, he served in Hawaii , Japan and Australia.

His beloved family and friends are proud of his dedication in the service of our country. He stands for freedom, honor and dignity.

His memory will remain forever.

We the Sheep

Personally I think Bush is about as intellectual as a dead frog. For someone that is supposed to be a president of a country, he doesn't know what is going on at all, or worse, doesn't think we know or should know what is going on. Not just this stupid oil driven war, but with everything from 9/11 to the environment and policies he's tossing around like shit.

As far as I and others I know are concerned, he's a violation of the U.S. Constitution and should never been allowed to be in office as the President of the United States. Just goes to show that they (The U.S. Government) are right...we are, as a society...sheep.

Toksha Thunder Hawk

Well it's time for Louie Thunder Hawk, my like a brother, to leave. :( Nancie has issues in her life (yes I AM being nice) and she's kicking him out on August 14th. It's a big mess that I can not go into right now.

So he's going to store some of his things with me and take his clothes and Chanaupa to Arkansas and stay with Grimms. He'll be there for a year to the least.

I will miss him, I will miss my teacher. I will miss my brother. I will indeed mss my friend. BUT, Grimms will do Louie a world of good and getting away from Nancie will be better.

Tonight was the last time I will see him for a long time.

Toksha my Brother.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Starting a New Way

Ok so I'm deleting all to most of my MySpace bloggs because quite frankly, MySpace sucks and all it's good for is perverts hitting on minors. Sooner to later I'll delete it all together.

It was fun while it lasted.

Shunka Warikin

baby development