Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Marine Tribute Bike

I was looking at one of the magazines I get and saw this bike and the mans story. As most every one know, I don't get moved easily but this did (and yes I'm into bikes). So I thought I would post this. The photo's online doesn't even begin to do it justice at all.

It's a real nice bike with a really nice heart about it. Click on the photo to see more and read a little of this mans story about the bike, and his son.

Corporal Joseph S. Temblay

Joseph was born on November 13, 1981 in Ridgewood, NJ to Lawrence Tremblay, Sr. and Tina Marie Remo. He graduated in 1999 from the Newburgh Free Academy and also attended Orange County Community College.

Joseph joined the Marines just after graduation from the Academy in 1999 and completed a four-year tour. He remained in the Marines Reserves and signed up for active duty when the call went out for volunteers. During his tour of duty, he served in Hawaii , Japan and Australia.

His beloved family and friends are proud of his dedication in the service of our country. He stands for freedom, honor and dignity.

His memory will remain forever.

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