Trials of a new male contraceptive are being expanded in the US after overwhelming initial interest.
The Intra Vas Device or IVD, inserted via a small hole made in the scrotum, is a tiny silicone plug that blocks the tube sperm travel along in the body.

No matter how evil it looks, great! It's about time the male ego of this society allowed this in the US. I mean there was also the "
Male Pill" that was never allowed in the US because "...it wasn't up to the man...". And there are a lot of men that would use this, given studies done to show its safety, whether or not they would admit to you or not.
i'm not sure about this but nice info.
Finally!!! Now women don't have to take all the responsiblity/blame for preventing/getting pregnant! Now if only they could figure out a way for men to carry pregnancies...
By the way, did I ever tell you I love your website, the info on the Lakota people and Lenord Peltier was so well written. I'm now inspired to find some non profit organizations in Canada that I can contribute to help our reserves here that are suffering with unsanitary water and poverty conditions.
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