Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

House Passes Plan to Negotiate Drug Prices...

January 12, 2007 · The House passes a bill that would require the secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate with drug makers for lower prices for Medicare patients. The vote was 255-170 in favor of the bill, including some two dozen Republicans. Those supporting the measure ignored a veto threat from President Bush.

So from my understanding "the people" as well as the House is saying that the drug company's have to much power over the prices of their own product and should be forced to join the rest of the world in a competitive trade world of a NON-monopoly. This would not only be a good thing for our economy but for our old people as well as our young. BUT, the Bush once again shows his ignorance and/or lack of caring about the people that are still living, their needs. He only cares for the dead people that voted him in in the first place.

The administration contends that government price negotiations — which are currently barred by law — would ultimately threaten the availability of drugs for seniors, and could raise, rather than lower, prices. But polls have shown the public is strongly behind the idea of government negotiation.

Here's an idea instead of banning government price negotiations for drugs:
  • draw a price cap for all pharmaceutical company's.
  • have a socialized drug plan for the elderly.
  • impeach Bush.
  • listen the "The People"
  • impeach Bush

There will be no raze in drug prices unless you allow the Pharmaceuticals to unionize agents the people. Either way, the polls show we want it, so we are the people, so we are the government, so we say and you do. So do!

And this week, a key Democratic backer of the existing Medicare drug program, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, said he now supports eliminating the ban on government negotiation.

It's time to grow up and get with the times. Our elderly can not take this any more, nor can I.

A person of Power is a person that will not use it for personal gain. Bush is the weakest person I have ever known of or seen.

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Shunka Warikin

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