Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Work is good, NOT!@

So here I am working alone, doing my own thing, and BoOM! I lost 10 hours a week. That's 40 hours a month. That's a great deal of changes. I know, I least I didn't loose my job. But it feels like it.

So there were plans that have been made and deals planted like a tree waiting to sprout. But a drought came along and killed the waiting tree. Maybe, if time allows and the rains are strong again, a new tree can be planted and hopefully grow strong.

But for now I site, wait, and plan.

1 comment:

Towanda! said...

Ouch! I'm sorry about the loss of hours, Cody.

Shunka Warikin

baby development