Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Monday, February 05, 2007

American army officer facing court martial

Lt Ehren Watada, 28, faces four charges of conduct unbecoming an officer for his refusal to join his unit in Iraq in the summer. Speaking ahead of a pre-trial hearing, the conscientious objector pledged that he would "fight with everything I have for my freedom and that of all Americans. I will face imprisonment to stand up for my beliefs."
I heard this and bout pooped my socks. So I thought I would read up on it a little here or here. Yep, the first serviceman with a brain and balls. He says it's an illegal and immoral war, and he's right. Now here's the balls:

If he had gone to Iraq, his service would have been due to end next month.
Instead, if convicted, he could face six years in prison.
Yes balls. Six years vs. 30 days. Indeed Lt Watada feels strongly about this issue and I would like to vote for his for president. Clearly the only person to get out cloud of "I must, no matter what!@"

He claimed that his refusal to follow orders had been justified by "a surge
in popular resistance to the war as evidenced by the recent elections" and
complained that "the army seems intent on making an example of me".
"No one else is speaking up for the troops dying every day," he said.
Indeed. He's get reamed for this but others will listen and benefit from this.
Thank you Lt Ehren Watada for being a man and not a boy.

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Shunka Warikin

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