"The safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad," said Mr Bush.
No you stupid little freak. The safety of the of America depends on your impeachment, your removal from office, and you should be band from any political arena all together. Last I knew you had to graduate from first grade to be president. The safety of America depends on taking care of OUR country's issues, which you have seemed to blow off.
"If we do not defeat these enemies now, we will leave our children to face a Middle East overrun by terrorist states and radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons," Mr Bush said.
Hmm.. ...radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons... It's not nice talking about yourself like that Bush! What needs to happen is for us, Americans, to get out of Iraq. But BushCo will not leave. Why would they? There is so much money to be made there for them and it's a perfect "America 2". That's why we are there, why our children are dieing...oil, money. And Bush talks about the safety of our children, what a laugh.
"determined to bring death and suffering to our homes" Yeah, he hates the competition.
"We must put aside our differences, and work together to meet the test that history has given us," he said.
No you ass, we must put aside our differences, and work together to get you the hell out of office and fix the shit you were allowed to create. History has given us nothing, you have given us a would of shit!
Senator Edward Kennedy said the president "should be ashamed of using a national day of mourning" to justify his Iraq policy. Yeah, ya think?!@
Senator Charles Schumer called the address disappointing, saying "You do not commemorate the tragedy of 9/11 by politicizing it."
American Cody Smallthunder called the address a "sure sign to the dumbest person what Bush is all about."
Our children will pay for our mistakes, for us allowing the ass to stay in office for so long. Americans seem to think that it's necessary to impeach a President for getting a blow job, but not for being a War Criminal.
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