Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Film Festival Director Raves About 'Assassinate Bush' Movie

So someone in Brittan made a movie. Now there are a few people upset about it, and a lot of company's upset about it.

Me? I say whatever. It's all about "freedom of expression", if there is such a thing any more.

Personally I think movies, like guns, don't kill, people do.

Anyway, this person they call "President" has pissed off most of the world with his ideals, morality, and idiocies, and his ignorance, long enough and it's about time someone expressed that. There are others that have as well.

Like Paris of
Guerrilla Funk. One of the ONLY other artist with enough balls to express himself, and share his voice.

Oh well. What can I really say and not be thrown in a CIA prisson for my own personal views.

( - "Xenophobia, the hidden costs of war and the nature of civil liberties in a hyper-media age all come under the microscope" in a controversial movie depicting the fictional assassination of President Bush.

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