Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Health Teacher In Trouble For Genital Drawing

It seems that if you take a Health Class in school you are not allowed to see, draw, or maybe even talk about the genitalia.

YONKERS, N.Y. -- A New York state teacher was banned from classes after having his seventh-grade students draw male genitalia on the blackboard during health class.

I wonder accurate the drawings were. LOL

A school spokeswoman said the teacher, whose name was not released, was assigned to administrative duties. Schools Superintendent Bernard Pierorazio will ask trustees to fire him at a March 21 meeting.

Why would a spokesPerson's name not be released is they are an official and why would this be the case if they stood by their decision? BITCH!

The Yonkers school spokeswoman said the state's seventh-grade curriculum calls for lessons in human anatomy and sexuality, but said the teacher asking the students to draw male genitals on the blackboard was not appropriate.

Because the the penis has nothing to do with anatomy you know.

Pierorazio issued a statement saying, "I will not tolerate insensitive, inappropriate behavior by any staff member toward our students. Every student's physical and emotional well-being is paramount in our decision making, therefore immediate action was taken."

After all, we must not allow ourselves to allow our children to understand and/or express any truth of any kind. We must not allow our teacher to teach anatomy in health class because all out girls will get get pregnant and have their minds spoiled with the knowledge of a penis.

Well, out of 7649 voters on 68% said not to fire the teacher. I say fry the ass hole because I don't want a bunch of kids knowing I have a penis and what it may look like.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Work is good, NOT!@

So here I am working alone, doing my own thing, and BoOM! I lost 10 hours a week. That's 40 hours a month. That's a great deal of changes. I know, I least I didn't loose my job. But it feels like it.

So there were plans that have been made and deals planted like a tree waiting to sprout. But a drought came along and killed the waiting tree. Maybe, if time allows and the rains are strong again, a new tree can be planted and hopefully grow strong.

But for now I site, wait, and plan.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Why is it that no one listens to you when they ask you for an answer? Because they don't want the answer they know is right and meaningful. They want some faction of their own truth to become real. They already know the truth and the reality of the answer that the question will bring, but they ask anyway, and they don't listen.

And then there are the people that ask and can not take the answer thinking you are a puppet of society, and would not dare say your truth.

Well take heed of who you ask and what you ask because you may get not the answer you wish for or that you think is right, you may get the truth.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

House Passes Plan to Negotiate Drug Prices...

January 12, 2007 · The House passes a bill that would require the secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate with drug makers for lower prices for Medicare patients. The vote was 255-170 in favor of the bill, including some two dozen Republicans. Those supporting the measure ignored a veto threat from President Bush.

So from my understanding "the people" as well as the House is saying that the drug company's have to much power over the prices of their own product and should be forced to join the rest of the world in a competitive trade world of a NON-monopoly. This would not only be a good thing for our economy but for our old people as well as our young. BUT, the Bush once again shows his ignorance and/or lack of caring about the people that are still living, their needs. He only cares for the dead people that voted him in in the first place.

The administration contends that government price negotiations — which are currently barred by law — would ultimately threaten the availability of drugs for seniors, and could raise, rather than lower, prices. But polls have shown the public is strongly behind the idea of government negotiation.

Here's an idea instead of banning government price negotiations for drugs:
  • draw a price cap for all pharmaceutical company's.
  • have a socialized drug plan for the elderly.
  • impeach Bush.
  • listen the "The People"
  • impeach Bush

There will be no raze in drug prices unless you allow the Pharmaceuticals to unionize agents the people. Either way, the polls show we want it, so we are the people, so we are the government, so we say and you do. So do!

And this week, a key Democratic backer of the existing Medicare drug program, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, said he now supports eliminating the ban on government negotiation.

It's time to grow up and get with the times. Our elderly can not take this any more, nor can I.

A person of Power is a person that will not use it for personal gain. Bush is the weakest person I have ever known of or seen.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Shunka's last puppy... [UPDATE]

So today my little man (dog), Shunka Warakin Smallthunder, had his last puppy vet visit. He has his rabies shots and everything.

Shnka is 42.7 LBS and 4 months old.

The only thing is that the vet thinks Shunka may have a bladder infection or crystallization because he pisses a lot. Like a LOT. So in about a month if he doesn't chill I will have to get a puppy pee sample for the vet. :(

Oh and if you are wondering what Shunka Warakin is or means, well I can help with that.

Shunka Warakin
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shunka Warakin (also shunka warak'in) is an American beast from cryptozoology and mythology that is said to resemble a wolf, a hyena or both. The first discussion and description of this cryptid was by Loren Coleman in his columns and articles throughout the 1980s, especially as formally recorded in "Cryptozoology A to Z" (NY: Simon and Schuster, 1999, ISBN 0684856026). It was reported from the Great Plains during pioneer days, by both white settlers and Native American tribes. The sightings have become much less common in the last century, causing most supporters to suggest the animal is now extinct.
In the language of the American Indian Ioway people, as discovered and collected by Loren Coleman, shunka warak'in means "carries off dogs." Shunka Warak'in at The best evidence of its existence was a specimen shot around the 1899-1900 turn of the century by a member of the Hutchins clan in Montana. It appeared to be a wolf-like creature with a long head, slightly resembling a wild boar. Some people say it looks more like some prehistoric or Ice Age creatures, perhaps surviving to the present day, like the thylacine. The creature was later mounted in a general store owned by a man named in Henry Lake, Idaho, with the title "Ringdocus." This information was recorded by zoologist Ross Hutchins, grandson of the man who shot it. This only known piece of physical evidence, a stuffed trophy, was never examined by qualified scientists and is now missing - although recent rumors indicate it is in the Yellowstone region.

Cryptozoologists put forth a variety of prehistoric mammals as possible identities: hyaenodons, dire wolves, members of the subfamily Borophaginae (hyena-like dogs), or Chasmaporthetes (the only true American hyena).
It has also been suggested, although not by mainstream cryptozoologists, as being a possible candidate for the Beast of Bray Road [1] which could tie the creature in with Skin-walker legends. The shunka warak'in has never been recorded as walking upright, as researchers on the Beast of Bray Road contend their subject does.
Between December 2005 through November 2006, a shunka warak'in-like or large unusual-looking wolf-like beast killed 120 sheep in McCone and surrounding counties in Montana. It was shot on November 2, 2006, in Garfield County, Montana, and, as of December 10, 2006, the 106-pound reddish-yellow beast has been unable to be identified by Montana wildlife officials.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Sucks

So as far as I am concerned, Christmas is a big lie meant to guilt people into submission under the cloak of family and religion.

Fact is "Christmas" was stolen from the Pagans and is not even the birth date of Christ. The date is about Yule, another thing stolen from Pagans. The traditional Christmas to date is a slap in the face of the Man called Jesus and what he stood for.

You can't go to a "Christmas" gathering with out a gift for everyone, even if you can not afford it, with out be looked at as a Scrooge, looser, unthoughtful, taker, or something like that. Your own present of body, heart, and love is not welcome with out a gift.

If you call someone friend and do not get them a gift, oh my the mess that will cause. And do not give something hand made or hug.

No wonder there is so much depression under foot.

No, I am not pagan or christian, but I believe in what the man was trying to say and do.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Shunka Vet v2.0

So Shunka had his vet date and all is good. He's now 13 weeks and is 30 lbs. of puppy. One more puppy date and he's a "bg boy".

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Michigan State Police

I know it's been a while since I've posted. Been doing stuff, but I have to say something about the Michigan State Police...
They suck ass... They care more about abandoned cars on the road then they do about drunk drivers. Why do I say this? Well...
I'm a truck driver so I am on the roads A LOT. I see A LOT. More then A LOT I have called the Michigan State Police about a drunk driver, knowing it's a drunk, and most of all I get from them is the words..."we have no one in the area" or "how to you know they are drunk" or "maybe they are just tired".. How do I know? I have been taught most if not all the signs drunks show.
I have even gotten the... "there are no officers in that area..." when I JUST past one looking for speeders.
I am so pissed at the Michigan State Police for their "You drink, you drive, you loose" bull shit adds.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Shunka's First Party

So far Shunka has been to his first party, a slumber party of 7 girls. He also has had a play date with two Great Dane's, spent a long weekend with an American Bull Dog, has a friend that's a Black Lab, eats 3x a day, loves taking baths with "mom", and hates the car.

No wonder he's a little sleepy.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Shunka's First Vet Date

So on 11/24/2006 Shunka got his first vet visit. The vet said he's 20.3 lbs. and has some issues with the hind end reflexes. [shrug] Shunka's a puppy...what do you want, super pup?

Shunka's next vet visit in on 12-15-2006
Well he is a supper pup and The Mighty Dead Leaf Killer...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I have a new puppy...

Shunka Warakin was born on 9/13/06 and is a Akita-German Shepherd mix.

I got him from the Detroit Airport from a lady that had a baby, puppy's and baby's don't mix. So she was looking for a home for him when I showed up. Good timing on my part. It seems as though they tried to get Shunka to play nice with the baby but Akita puppy's have to much energy for that.So now there is a puppy in the house and this will be his and our story.

We got Shunka on 11/18/2006.

Currently he's not a little pisser, but a BIG pisser. He pisses all the time and everywhere. So far he's really good on the poop outside deal, which is a good thing.

Shunka doesn't bark a lot. Just when you leave him alone and he can't get to you.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Male contraceptive study expanded

Trials of a new male contraceptive are being expanded in the US after overwhelming initial interest.

The Intra Vas Device or IVD, inserted via a small hole made in the scrotum, is a tiny silicone plug that blocks the tube sperm travel along in the body.
No matter how evil it looks, great! It's about time the male ego of this society allowed this in the US. I mean there was also the "Male Pill" that was never allowed in the US because " wasn't up to the man...". And there are a lot of men that would use this, given studies done to show its safety, whether or not they would admit to you or not.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

'Monster' fossil find in Arctic

Norwegian scientists have discovered a "treasure trove" of fossils belonging to giant sea reptiles that roamed the seas at the time of the dinosaurs.

This is really cool. The first complete skeleton of an pliosaur! Well, really, from what I understand there is not only one but many.

The 150-million-year-old fossils were uncovered on the Arctic island chain of Svalbard - about halfway between the Norwegian mainland and the North Pole.

You really need to read the whole story, it's cool. They seem to have been caught in the middle of a hunt with ichthyosaurs.

The ichthyosaursare dolphin type animal that was a usually on the dinner many of the pliosaur. Of course, there was a lot on the dinner plate of the pliosaur.

I am anticipating the outcome of the complete skeletons.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Amish shooting in Pennsylvania

So Charles Carl Roberts IV thought that because he "molested" two of his young relatives when he was 12 years old, and he and his wife lost a baby, that he had the right to strike out to "God". Let's not forget that he also had dreams that he had said made him want to molest again. So this freak choose to go to an Amish school, take only young female hostages, trap them all in a room, and had plans with the KY Jelly that the cops said they found in his things, spend some time with them before killing all 10 of them. All in the name of "I'm pissed at God" and "I need to stop myself from molesting". Thank Spirit that the cops got there before he could do all of this. Of course five ended up dieing with shoots to the head before the could stop him. And unfortunately he was able to shoot himself and die.

I can not describe the pain I feel not only for the Amish community, but also and mainly for the children that were in that room with this darkness. I am only thankful he wasn't able to take his plan and fallow it through.

I pray for the souls of the ones that died that they have peace - Naomi Rose Ebersole, 7; Anna Mae Stolzfus, 12; Maria Fisher, 13; Mary Liz Miller, 8, and her 7-year-old sister, Leena

Now the Amish community has went to this freaks wife's aid. They are supporting her in her time of pain and grief as well as their own. What strength the Amish have.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Detainee Bill

This is really good. The Detainee Bill a big pile of bull shit! It gives Bush to much, way to much.

The bill gives the president the power to "interpret the meaning and application of the Geneva Conventions," a phrase that may clash with another part of the bill, which says, "Nothing in this section shall affect the constitutional functions and responsibilities of Congress and the judicial branch."

Now, can this idiot interprets anything without daddy or Chaney? Leaving anything up this freak is a "mess and sloder" waiting to happen.

So not anyone can be pulled in and tried under this and have no hope to a real court? So now this is all up to the wonderful minds of the military and BushCo? Man, I feel as safe as a frog on I-94.

Hearsay evidence is generally OK in these trials. A judge has to rule that the evidence is reliable and relevant to the case.

Great!@ So now all BushCo and their people have to do is say... "well, I know he/she did this" ...and it's ok because the Bush said it. It's reliable, the "President" said so. I think I just shit my paints a little.

Defendants can't be convicted on the basis of evidence they haven't seen. If classified documents are necessary to prove the defendant's guilt or innocence, the judge will give the defendant summaries or edited versions of the documents.

Is it just me or is there something really wrong with the above statement? How many of us really did graduate kindergarten? I mean really....come on...summaries and edited versions?!@ How about real facts?! My Gods this is shitty for us as Americans and for the world to allow!

The tribunals won't admit evidence obtained through torture. Evidence obtained through coercive interrogation tactics that the Bush administration doesn't consider torture (such as "waterboarding," where a detainee is made to believe he's drowning, or "stress positions," where a detainee is made to sit or stand in a painful position for extended periods of time) may be used under some circumstances.

So nothing really has changed, just different language. I see, "Under some circumstances", means that every time if they see fit and talk the talk right.

According to the bill, detainees held by the United States at any overseas location cannot file a lawsuit challenging their detention. This wipes out both pending and future lawsuits. The bill also says no one can file a lawsuit claiming a violation of their rights under the Geneva Conventions.

Nice one here isn't it. As always, the US can fuck up everything and never be help liable in any way shape or form.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Man bites panda after zoo attack

"No one ever said they would bite people. I just wanted to touch it"
~Zhang Xinyan

So there is this man, they say he was drunk after four beers. I say; what a dumb ass!@

Click on the picture for the full story.

This man just wanted to pet the Panda, the caged up, wild Giant Panda.

"When he got closer and was undiscovered, he reached out to hug it..."

um.. Smart man. So after doing this brave act of intellect, he got bit, so he bit the Panda back. Well, the Panda, being a Panda, was like ok, and bit this mans other leg. Well this wasn't working out to the man jumped on the back of the Panda and bit again. Needless to say, the man lost this little war of wisdom.

Mr Zhang said he had not realised pandas could be violent.

No, Pandas are as calm and gentle as a Cougar. hahah

Zoo spokeswoman Ye Mingxia said the panda was unharmed and they were not considering punishing Mr Zhang yet.

I say let him clean Panda poo for a week and it's all good.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Geneva Convention

One of a series of international agreements, first made in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1864, establishing rules for the humane treatment of prisoners of war and of the sick, the wounded, and the dead in battle.

So the BUSH wants to alter the Geneva Convention which has been in effect since 1950. It seems that the BUSH doesn't think he/we should be forced to hold true to it. He thinks it's OK, or worse he right, to change the rules in the middle of a battle. What the hell are we thinking to allow this child to stay in office?!@ What the hell are we thinking?!@ The Geneva Convention has been in place for a long time for good reason. So what if everyone doesn't live by the Geneva Convention rules! If we do, it makes us in the right and keeps us in a good way.

So BUSH is having another one of his childish temper fits. Things aren't going his way so in the middle of a war he wants to change the game. Just like a child.

If BUSH is allowed to change the rules in mid-game then everyone else will and from that point forward there will be no rule to war, no law, and now all is far, all is welcome. Not like there really is a rule to war but no rules, but the Geneva Convention gives a good guideline.

The Geneva Convention is worldwide. A change of the Geneva Convention should be worldwide and when there is no war in place. But BUSH thinks he's the King of The World just like a child does. He thinks he can make all the rules for everyone else to live with no matter what.

A man like that shouldn't even be in charge of a gas station let alone a country.

Signing of the Geneva Convention of 22 August 1864 (painting by Armand Dumaresq).

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bush address stokes controversy

So I guess the Bush did it again. Instead of commemorating 9/11, he made it a pro war speech. What an ass he is. And what an ass "our" government heads are for allowing him to speak.

"The safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad," said Mr Bush.

No you stupid little freak. The safety of the of America depends on your impeachment, your removal from office, and you should be band from any political arena all together. Last I knew you had to graduate from first grade to be president. The safety of America depends on taking care of OUR country's issues, which you have seemed to blow off.

"If we do not defeat these enemies now, we will leave our children to face a Middle East overrun by terrorist states and radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons," Mr Bush said.

Hmm.. ...radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons... It's not nice talking about yourself like that Bush! What needs to happen is for us, Americans, to get out of Iraq. But BushCo will not leave. Why would they? There is so much money to be made there for them and it's a perfect "America 2". That's why we are there, why our children are dieing...oil, money. And Bush talks about the safety of our children, what a laugh.

"determined to bring death and suffering to our homes" Yeah, he hates the competition.

"We must put aside our differences, and work together to meet the test that history has given us," he said.

No you ass, we must put aside our differences, and work together to get you the hell out of office and fix the shit you were allowed to create. History has given us nothing, you have given us a would of shit!

Senator Edward Kennedy said the president "should be ashamed of using a national day of mourning" to justify his Iraq policy. Yeah, ya think?!@

Senator Charles Schumer called the address disappointing, saying "You do not commemorate the tragedy of 9/11 by politicizing it."

American Cody Smallthunder called the address a "sure sign to the dumbest person what Bush is all about."

Our children will pay for our mistakes, for us allowing the ass to stay in office for so long. Americans seem to think that it's necessary to impeach a President for getting a blow job, but not for being a War Criminal.


Shunka Warikin

baby development